🗓     11th June2024
⏰    15:00 to 19:00 
📍    People 2.0, London

Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of global employment, mastering the intricacies of a contingent workforce has become paramount for businesses worldwide. Join us for an enlightening session, "Navigating the Growing Complexity of a Global Contingent Workforce," where our Trusted Partner People2.0 will delve into the nuances of this dynamic domain.

From dissecting current market trends to unveiling the advantages of a global contingent workforce, People2.0 will explore essential insights to empower your client's strategic planning. Across interactive breakout sessions and informative discussions, gain invaluable knowledge on overcoming challenges, ensuring compliance, and optimising performance.

Jurgen Jaarsma

Jurgen Jaarsma

Vice President, Business Development EMEA, People 2.0

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