Guiding Principles 

Working closely with APSCo, the OutSource Rep Comm has developed the new Guiding Principles for its members, with the aim of ensuring that everyone in the talent supply chain is working together to best serve the needs of the client. 

The Guiding Principles outline the best practice expectations across the entire talent supply chain from implementation through to exit. Access them here.


Future World of Work 

APSCo OutSource's Managing Director, Melanie Forbes, shared her predictions for the future of work in this report by Trusted Partner Sonovate.

Download the report here.


Shut Out, Forced Out and Overlooked

Ageism at work: Attitudes on employment over the age of 55 – a major report from consumer membership organisation 55/Redefined as well as slides from our recent roundtable.

Download the report here.

Download the slides here.


The Outsourcing Glossary of Terms

There’s a wealth of terminology and acronyms used in the outsourcing community, from SoW, MSP and CWO to RPO and much more. We often talk about vendor neutral models, 1st and 2nd generation MSPs or Direct Sourcing Programmes. But while this terminology is commonplace for many in the sector it can often mean different things to different providers. As for the end clients it can often be a confusing cloud of varied outsource model descriptions that can sometimes mean different things to different people.

In order to help navigate and create a lexicon of the common terms that are used, we’ve developed a Glossary of Terms that our members can use with each other and share with their clients and wider community to help define key acronyms and outline the main features of the different outsourcing models.

Click here to download.


Demystifying worker classification

The classification of workers in today’s ever-changing employment landscape is no easy task. It can often be difficult to identify the difference between the legal classification of a sole trader and a gig or an independent worker, for example. Knowing who in the supply chain is responsible for what when it comes to determining the status of each worker for tax and employment regulations is also no easy task.

In order to help demystify worker classification in the UK, APSCo OutSource and TalentIn – an expert in talent management strategy – have developed a free downloadable guide for those involved in the supply of talent. Click here to download.


On Demand Webinars

Access the OutSource webinar recordings here.